Saturday, July 07, 2007

Free webmaster tools and resources!!  


Hey webmasters/bloggers,

As I had promised you of a few marketing and webmaster resourses or free webmaster tools, for your great online marketing and web promotion sucess. In that context, I am glad to list here a few of them. In this post, I will offer you a list of free marketing and webmaster tools which will definitely give a great flip in your net sales and online presence...
Most of the resources are free to use. I prefer free resources, because it gives an option to make an apraisal of the system that you would use... It make a great sense to me...

68 Online SEO Tools and Resources
A compiled list of online Search Engine Optimization tools to help you check your current web site. They are free, in most of the cases you do not need to create an account in order to access them and we use them often. Feel free to check and use them.

RSS Submission Directories List
Below is a list where you can submit your blog and RSS feeds. These RSS submission sites are ordered by
Google PageRank and listed with links to the "Add/Suggest a Site" pages. 51RSS Submission Directories all total. Great place to get free linkbank....
50 Press Release Submission Websites
A list where you can submit a press releaseThis is Avangate Top 50 press release submission list, most
trustful sites where you can publish a press release, most of them free of charge.These list is ordered by Google PageRank and the links lead to "Add/Submit a Press Release" or "Register" page.

50 Free Article Submission Websites
Increase traffic through article submission. Check Avangate's article submission sites list. Promote your site through articles in order to gain more popularity and to obtain a better page rank. These submission sites are ordered according to Google PageRank and are listed with links to "Submit article" or "Register" page. Apart from this you can get a list of 25 free article submission directories here....

92 Reasons Why Your Website Sucks But Others Websites Make Real Money- by Vahid Chaychi. Millions of new domains become registered every year but will not be renewed for the next year. It is not because their registrars forget to renew them. It is because they have come to this conclusion that their websites will not make any money for them. One or more of the problems below can be related to you our your website. Your website will not start making money as long as you don’t solve all the problems it has. Some of these problems are related to optimization of your website and its failure to attract traffic from search engines and some others are related to you, as the webmaster, and also the designing and marketing designing and marketing. Explore what are they here-

Free Classifields and many more-
Classifields are regarded as the great source of generating targeted free traffic over the years. Here, I am going to compile a list of 50 Classifield Directories for your great comfort... Great place to leave your message for millions... Search Engilnes and the visitors love these places .

Submit your site to Web Directories
Submit your site to Web Directories (755), Article Directories (113), Blog/RSS Directories (82), Video Sites (35), Podcast Sites (87), Social Bookmarking Sites (73), all with a click!! Make Up to $3,500 and More Weekly with Google & Clickbank Using a SimpleSystem Which I Will Perform for You for only $25!

RSS - Blog Directories:

Below is a list of the submission urls for RSS and blog directories that you can submit your blog or RSS feed to. This list is a work in progress and will change often. Send feedback, edits to: blog at toprankresults dot comVisit here for more-

1000s of Affiliate Programs using simple DataFeed Generators:
Blend your Amazon, ClickBank, eBay and other thousands of Marchant Affiliate Programs using a simple DataFeed code at your pages. DataFeed to Promote their Affiliate Program all for free!!
Link-Popularity Checker & Back Link Generator:
Back Link Checker Tool- Free to Use!!
Link Building Tools for Bloggers and webmasters:
Get linked to thousands of bloggers and webmasters at your niche with these free to join Social Networking
Derek Gehl invested over $79,583.28 in developing a system that allows you to claim the top positions in any search engine... ... And attract thousands of fresh, targeted visitors to your site -- for FREE!

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1 comments: to “ Free webmaster tools and resources!!

  • 4:32 AM, October 04, 2010  

    This is great list of web tools, thanks for referring ! You should add Google's Keyword Tool which helps
    bloggers as well as Adwords users to target keywords.
