Tuesday, September 28, 2010
All that I know about GDI (Global Domain International)
Labels: GDI, Global Domain International 11 commentsWelcome to GDI and your own .ws domain name and website.
I recommendyou first take some time and login into your members officehttp://website.ws/members to familiarize yourself with all theinformation available. Be sure to have your payment informationlisted or your account will be cancelled at the end of your free 7day trial. In the members office click on 'account information' andthen 'update preferred payment method'. If GDI does not have yourpayment method listed your account will be cancelled at the end ofyour 7 day trial. Also please click on the 'FAQ' link inside yourmembers office as this is the best way to get answers for most of thequestions I'm sure you now have.
Global Domains International (GDI) has potential to be biggestcompanyindustry has ever seen!Read more at: http://website.ws/pdf/GDI%20Reprints%202006.pdf
(The websites below are where others can join GDI under you):
http://www.website.ws/username/show (Flash Presentation)
http://www.website.ws/username/spanish/show (Spanish FlashPresentation)
http://www.website.ws/username/espanol/show (Spanish FlashPresentation)
http://www.freedom.ws/username/show_dvd (DVD Presentation)
You may provide these links to anyone around the globe, howeverpleasebe aware that the freedom website is the only site available in 8languages.With your GDI membership, you also receive your own .ws websitehttp://your-domain-name.ws/ to do with as you want, this is your ownwebsite to create anyway you like. If you don't need a website, thendo nothing at all, you do not need to create your website if youdon't want to, that is totally up to you, its your website to do withas you like. If you would like to create your website, GDI has a freewebsite builder to help you.
To use the Free GDI Website Builder to create Your-Domain-Name.wswebsite:
1) Log into the members office at http://website.ws/members
2) Click on 'domains'
3) Click on 'change setting' under your domain name
4) Click on the button next to the 'Site Builder' logo on top
5) Click on 'continue' and then 'Build my Website'
If you would like to create a new domain name or extra domain names,click on 'Domains' inside your members office to see if the name youwant is available before you add it to your account. After you'vecreated a second domain name, you can then delete your first domainnameif you like, or keep creating new domain names... as many as youwant.You will be charged $10 a month for each of your domain names youkeep.Grow Your Downline:
Do you have friends and family members you would like to introduce to GDI so they can get their own .ws websites also? If so, log into yourmembers office https://www.website.ws/members and click on 'Invite'onthe left side of the page. Then type in the first and last name andemail address of people you personally know, then GDI will send thememails about how they can join GDI and get their own .ws websitealso.
IMPORTANT: You may use this invitation system to send emails ONLY topeople who know of you personally (or to the opt-in leads ofopportunity seekers you may acquire in the "Order Goodies" area ofyour members office). Only use names of people you know personallyand you are 100% sure they will not put in a spam complaint when theyreceive the emails about GDI. "SPAM" emails are strictly forbiddenand grounds for immediate termination.If you are interested in earning a residual monthly income by havingpeople join GDI under you, below is some helpful information:
To buy your GDI leads ($3 each), log into your members office andclick on 'Order Goodies' and then 'Phone-Verified Leads' to orderyour leads. Then input your leads into the 'Invite' page in yourmembers office so they receive emails from GDI on how to join underyou. You should also call all your leads on the phone. Someone at GDIhas already called your leads on the phone to make sure they areinterested in receiving a phone call from you, so please call them,they will be expecting you to call them. You do not need to give yourleads a sales pitch over the phone or try to talk your leads intojoining GDI, the dvd and/or online dvd movie on your Freedom.wswebsite does the selling for you. After you input your leads into the'Invite' page in the members office, you just need to call your leadson the phone and see if they would like you to mail them the GDI dvdmovie or if they would rather watch the dvd movie online at theFreedom.ws website. Be sure to give your leads your username... thisis the access code your leads need to use on the Freedom.ws websiteso they can watch the GDI dvd movie online and join under you.
GDI has the DVD's available for us to purchase inside our membersoffice. Also available in multi-lingual versions! When you receiveyour DVD's, write your username on the DVD cover where it says"Access Code:" and then hand them out to as many people as you can.They are a great tool to get new members under you! You can alsoorder the DVD's online at http://www.dvd.ws/
GDI has banners for us to use and put on our websites that will sendpeople to our GDI movie/sign up website where they can join under us.Just log into your GDI members office and click on 'Banners' on theleft of the page.You can also find help with GDI at these websites:
GDI has banners for us to use and put on our websites that will sendpeople to our GDI movie/sign up website where they can join under us.Just log into your GDI members office and click on 'Banners' on theleft of the page.You can also find help with GDI at these websites:
Training Conference Calls:USA Phone Number: 212-990-8000 ...then enter PIN code: 8821# (Tuesday& Thursday at 9:30 pm EST)USA Phone Number: 712-824-4400 ...then enter PIN code: 28806#(Sunday:5:30pm PST, 6:30pm MST, 7:30pm CST, 8:30pm EST)Opportunity Conference Calls:USA Phone Number: 212-990-8000 ...then enter PIN code: 8821# (Tuesday& Thursday at 9:00 pm EST) USA Phone Number: 212-796-3215 ...thenenter PIN code: 7509# (Every Tues & Thurs: 7pm PST, 8pm MST, 9pm CST,10pm EST) ...Bring your friends to these opportunity calls and letus do the selling for you!
You can also listen to some of these callson the internet at http://www.website.ws/conferencecallRecorded Call Phone Number: 212-990-6640If you do not live in the USA, you can get your time zone for thecalls in your country at:
Before GDI can mail you any commissions you've earned, you need tofirst mail or fax a couple forms to GDI. You can find the requireddocuments in your account, simply follow the outlined steps below:
Before GDI can mail you any commissions you've earned, you need tofirst mail or fax a couple forms to GDI. You can find the requireddocuments in your account, simply follow the outlined steps below:
1. Login to your account at https://www.website.ws/members
2. Click on "Documentation"
3. Read, sign and return the last pages the following documents:'Independent Affiliate Agreement Terms and Conditions' & 'IndependentAffiliate Policies and Procedures'
4. Complete and sign the "Form W-9" under "For US residents:"In order to participate in the WebSite.ws Affiliate program, you mustprovide GDI with a Form W-9 (USA residents only) and proof ofidentification (all affiliates).
This information, along with allother information you provide GDI, is kept strictly confidential.Commission checks cannot be sent, however, until it is received byGDI.The completed Forms should then be faxed or mailed to GDI along withacopy of your Driver's License or Passport. International/non-USresidents should send a copy of a government issued ID card, Driver'sLicense or passport. Faxes can be sent to: 1 + 760.602.3099Papers can be mailed to:Global Domains International #30019701 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 300Carlsbad, CA 92011U.S.A.If you know anyone that might be interested in joining GDI, pleasehave them listen to some of these calls:
1) GDI Weekly Conference Calls:1-212-796-3215 PIN: 7509# (Tues &Thurs10pm EST in USA) or listen online at
http://www.website.ws/conferencecall -or- listen to the GDIopportunity conference calls at: 212-990-8000 ...then enter PIN code:8821# (Tuesday & Thursday at 9:45 pm EST)
http://www.website.ws/conferencecall -or- listen to the GDIopportunity conference calls at: 212-990-8000 ...then enter PIN code:8821# (Tuesday & Thursday at 9:45 pm EST)
2) Listen to the founders of GDI talk about this fantasticopportunity:Go to http://website.ws/rbresources and click on 'CompanyInformation'... then go down the page and click on 'Audio:23 Minute Interviewwiththe Founders'.
3) Short 1 minute message on the GDI opportunity: 1-800-693-6897 -or-1-760-494-4355To contact GDI support, e-mail: ws_support@wsdomains.ws or call theiroffice phone# 1-760-602-3000Want a low-cost way to advertise your GDI Movie? Print and hand outthese colorful GDI Flyers at:
You can also order colorful business cards inside your GDI membersoffice: http://website.ws/members
You can also order colorful business cards inside your GDI membersoffice: http://website.ws/members
Get Visitors to Your Website:http://www.instantbuzz.com/r/?rbresources
Get 10 to 20 FREE LEADS at each of these websites below. I highlyrecommend you call all leads on the phone instead of e-mailing them.Anytime you e-mail leads from sources other then the GDI approvedleads(you can order them in our GDI members office) you run the riskof the lead sending GDI a spam complaint against you and getting yourmembership cancelled. Plus talking to your leads on the phone greatlyincreases the likelihood they will join GDI under you by signing upatyour
movie.ws website.
Get 10 to 20 FREE LEADS at each of these websites below. I highlyrecommend you call all leads on the phone instead of e-mailing them.Anytime you e-mail leads from sources other then the GDI approvedleads(you can order them in our GDI members office) you run the riskof the lead sending GDI a spam complaint against you and getting yourmembership cancelled. Plus talking to your leads on the phone greatlyincreases the likelihood they will join GDI under you by signing upatyour
movie.ws website.
To order GDI approved leads, log into your members office and clickon'Leads'.GDI does not recommend the use of outside leads as you can notguarantee their legitimacy. Any outside leads purchased must beopt-in leads, for which you must receive records for upon completionof sale. Records must include, at a minimum, first name, last name,ip address and email address. If the company can not provide youwith this information, you should not purchase from them. In theevent that a spam complaint is reported for your email campaign andyou cannot provide the above information, you will be heldresponsible for the spam.
Another way to get leads is to chat with people online using forums,message boards, chat, joining their newsletters, etc., and then afteryou've built up a relationship with them, tell them about GDI and give them your GDI movie website.
Courtesy to:
Randy Beck
Join GDI: http://movie.ws/rbresources
GDI Support E-mail: ws_support@wsdomains.ws
Members Login Page: http://website.ws/members
Global Domains International Phone: 1-760-602-3000GDI Opportunity (1 min. recording): 1-800-693-6897 or 1-760-494-4355GDI Questions & Answers: Go to http://website.ws/rbresources and click on 'Questions & Answers'.GDI Conference Calls:
http://www.website.ws/conferencecall or 1-212-796-3215 PIN:7509# (Tues & Thurs 10pm EST)Listen to the Owners of GDI talk about this Once-in-a-Lifetime GDI Opportunity, go to http://website.ws/rbresources and click on 'Company Information'.
http://www.website.ws/conferencecall or 1-212-796-3215 PIN:7509# (Tues & Thurs 10pm EST)Listen to the Owners of GDI talk about this Once-in-a-Lifetime GDI Opportunity, go to http://website.ws/rbresources and click on 'Company Information'.
FREE Website Traffic! ...http://www.instantbuzz.com/r/?rbresources